More progression pics! 01/15/2016-02/25/2016-New ATX Glass- My first few weeks of glass creations here in Austin, Tx : )
First batch of a new feathered heart style pendant. Loved the results so much kinda went nuts on some hearts for valentine's day!
Tried some new colors! Absolutely love these guys
Trying out some new shapes for pendants. More flat versions coming soon!
Let the janky pipe pics begin : )
New ring holders for the ladies.
Afew cool early on pipes with color. Need to work the color in more and get these pieces hotter next time. Seems to be my biggest issue with my functional glass.
Went pretty crazy with pipes the last week or so! Think I'm closing in on pipe #35 so tons of new pics coming soon. Each time I relax and forget the idea I have in my head and just work with the glass I have in front of me the finished piece really shines. I've read a hundred times glassblowing is learning how to create from mistakes and these pipes are pounding that idea into my head nice and good haha Thinking my next post will be a pipe progression page.
Thanks for checking out my new work!